About Shaved Yaks Ltd

Shaved Yaks Ltd is a small software company focused on C++ and Swift development. Led by Phil Nash we offer training in C++ and TDD. We also manage a number of conferences on the C++ and Swift circuits.

The following are the directors of the organisation:

Shaved Yaks Ltd is a private limited company registered in the UK:

Company # 6762156
VAT # GB976495161
We took on the name Shaved Yaks Ltd in July 2023. Prior to that the company name was Two Blue Cubes Ltd, registered in 2008. If you need it, our registered address is:

Shaved Yaks Ltd

5 Forum Place

Fiddlebridge Lane



AL10 0RN

United Kingdom

But the best way to reach us is by email on info@shavedyaks.com.